Thursday, May 20, 2010

Rosie with a Reason

Just finished Rosie.  I think I mentioned it in my last post - it was the book on the bottom of the stack...but it was unopened.  Once I opened it, I read it straight through.

My mother and I have been visiting various book sales and getting great prices.  The last sale I got ten books for ten bucks.  Can't beat that!  Well, actually you can.  See, if you go to the Falmouth Library Sale - uh, wait, should I be telling my secret? - on the very last day, it's a buck for a bag of books!

I am such a nerd.

So I picked this book out at the Presbyterian Church Rummage Sale - Charlie thought it was a rubbage sale, hehe - because it was by Anne Lamott.  After reading the first few pages I made it a book mark.  On it I wrote: I think I wrote this book the day I was born.

Really I related less and less the further I got into the book but it was still an enjoyable read.  To me it had a To Kill a Mockingbird type feel.  Glad I picked it, this time based on its name Rosie.  My car is named Rosie, Charlie's favorite guinea pig is named it was only natural.  Duh.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I Slipped

So I was reading Memoirs of a Geisha, but then the library called and said my book came in.  Not so neatly stacked on my night stand are the following books:

Another Life Altogether by Elaine Beale
Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
Unless by Carol Shields
Rosie by Anne Lamott

I know exactly how this happens.  Why is a different story...

I was telling my mom the other day...books seem to come into my life in a particular order.  They follow specific themes. (Oh, on the table on the other side of my bed I have The Maeve Binchy Writers' Club by Maeve Binchy)

However it happens, it does.  In fact, think I need to add a few more to the stack.

The one titled Unless is very interesting.  Once I read a bit of it, the title made more sense.  The kind of sense it should make if you really thought about it when you handled it during buy or put back decision process.  Which apparently, I hadn't. 

My point being, I have not yet been hooked.  Plenty of titles, yet no inspiration to read on.

The search continues...for that most perfect book.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Slowly Reading, But Not Reading Slowly

So I am reading Memoirs of a Geisha and I am really enjoying it but for some reason I am slowly reading it.  As in I read a few pages, set it down, then return to it, and read a few more pages.

In the meantime I have finished two books.  The first was The History of Love which I thought was good, possibly great but not quite.  I loved the character and some of his quirky behavior.  Loved the detailed descriptions of old men.  Wasn't so fond of the young girl character - but it is a book I would like to revisit, though who knows if I ever really will.

Then yesterday I finished reading The Walk. Now that was a quick read.  Twenty-four hours earlierI had never heard of the book before, much less cracked it open.  I came across this one while searching the Cape Cod Online Book Catalogue.  My search was new releases.  I must have liked the cover, of course, and the blurb attracted me.  A destitute guy walks away from his former life finding hope along the way.  Or something like that.  It's what I would call a soft novel.  It tells you a story about someone who has hit bottom - he then goes on a journey - his was not metaphorical - and comes out a better man, or in this case a changed man because of the lessons he learned along the way.  Good, not heavy, feel good, up to interpretation.

Guess now it's back to Geisha.


Books, Books, and More Books