Monday, November 23, 2009

Easy on the Eyes

Just finished reading Easy on the Eyes by Jane Porter last night. It is book number two for the Endless Summer Girlfriends Book Club, an online book club created by my friend from high school. Facebook strikes again.

Reading is sometimes a problem for me as I tend to put books aside, read several at a time, and lose interest fairly soon. If a book doesn't grab me in the first fifty or so pages - well it gets shuffled to the bottom of the stack - not unlike that game we played as kids where one hand slaps on top of the other hand, then the bottom hand is slid out and smacked on top.

Got the book as the deadline was growing near - discussion was to be on Thursday - ...tbc

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Bucket List - REVISITED

1. Get married in the church in which I was baptized.
2. Go fly fishing.
3. Find something interesting to do...
4. "Finish" the laundry.
5. Do something worthwhile.
6. Get organized.
7. Find my clique.
8. Catalogue cliches.
9. Learn to travel places where sarcasm takes you farther than money.
1o. Own a vineyard - for at least a day - in the south of France.
11. Make time to read more than, "transcendent..." on all those similiarly acclaimed titles.
12. Write those claims.
13. Or better yet - write between them.

Books, Books, and More Books