Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Behind by a Few

Instead of reading a book, then blogging about it - I've been bad. I read a book, then read another - skipping a step it seems.

No problem - I will go back.  Hope you don't mind!

So you were with me when I finished Rosie right?  Then I picked up a mermaid book - mermaid only in that it had mermaid in the title, uhhhh let's see, title...

Got it: The Mermaids Singing by Lisa Carey

Another older book I picked up at a used book sale - maybe the Woods Hole Library? Copywrited in 1998, written in the seemingly popular style of multiple perspectives, and infused with Gaelic myths and culture.

Ultimately about a mother/daughter team disrupted by life and its happenings. And ONCE AGAIN with my favorite theme - who's gonna save me.

He saves her, she saves him, or does she save herself?

Or perhaps it's my favorite - do they save each other.

Only because sarcasm is hard - or is it impossible - to read.  I will say that the act of saving or of being saved really is my favorite theme.  (Hey, the most read book likes it too.)

And since then - this mermaids song - have been two others - Crooked Little Heart...
and The White Garden...while I wait for the third installment of Rosie in the mail - won in on eBay!  But as for right now... think I'm gonna see who's gonna save whom in the white garden.

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