Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I may have just finished one of the best books ever.  What, do you ask, have I just read?  Well, if you are an American - chances are you have already read it, or seen it, or rented it, or know exactly which book I am speaking of just by the mere mention of the Italian word in the title at the beginning of this blog entry.

But just in case you are - let's call it - even less up to date than I am, the title I am talking about is Eat Pray Love.  It is a spiritual memoir by Elizabeth Glibert.  Or as we - her friends like to call her - Liz or Liss.  (I may be using the term "friend" loosely.)

Granted I may have liked this book so much in part because it is of the genres I most enjoy to read.  Memoirs and spirituality.

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