Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Some Simultaneous Reading

Had a pretty long stretch there of reading straight through - but now I seem to be doing a bit of switching around.  I am reading Hard Laughter but I am kind of grossed out as it is a first edition and it is from the library.  I can't help but think of George Castanza and the art book in the bathroom episode.  I get sceeved out by airplane headrests and theater seats.  This books has crumbs and smudges dating back to the 80s.  


So I like the story - and that it is Lamott's first - I so do not like the DNA factor. (body shudder) bbbbbllllaaahhhhh

I am LOVING Operating Instructions though and seeing as it is mine the yuk factor is way lower. 

Got a little Dark Side of the Inner Child going on casually.  The Enigma of Arrival strewn across another bedside table and two Horvath library check-outs at a safe distance from my pillow.

I am arranging the book shelf in the corner of my room by color.  Hands down I have the most books with blue covers with green and white both tied for second.  I wonder if this would be considered a true sampling or skewed by my love of aestetics.  Probably the latter as they represent my desired color palatte and we all know of my true motive for choosing books.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Imperfect Birds - Check. Northward to the Moon - Check.

Two books finished all in one day.  I dreaded coming to the end of Imperfect Birds (Anne Lamott) and when I did immediately moved on to a YA book I had recently checked out from the library because - you guessed it - because I liked the cover.  Predictable, I know. 

Northward to the Moon helped get me over my immediate depression of losing Rosie. Sequel to My One-Hundred Adventures.

Now I am reading Hard Laughter.  Immediately - to me - it meant laughing ridiculously hard.  Not my mom - she said, what's so hard about laughter.  Think she is more on the right track.  Hmm.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Anticipation, Dread, and Fear

I am nearly done reading Imperfect Birds - anticipation, dread, and fear is what I feel.

Anne Lamont spent nearly three decades composing what took me two months to devour.  And then what?  I've read Rosie I, Rosie II, and Rosie III - of which I will talk later.

There is no Rosie IV.

I read Rosie 3 in hard cover.

Real trouble.

It's gonna be a tough night when I put that book down.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Another New Book

that I didn't blog about...I don't really like playing catch up but it shouldn't be too hard to do as I have been reading very, very slowly.

Still on Imperfect Birds.

What I need to review:

Crooked Little Heart
The White Garden

Books, Books, and More Books